Vennmas LLC

Oil Exploration

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The demand for energy on a global scale is rapidly increasing. In our technological society, ready access to good energy sources is crucial, and oil remains one of the largest and most effective forms of energy we have access to.

Over the next 20 years, we can expect global energy demand to increase by 30 percent or more, and that means investors will want to partner with forward-thinking energy companies that understand the trends in oil production and are willing to take the steps necessary to take advantage of them.

Fortunately, there is a wide variety of oil exploration options still open to those who are dedicated to pursuing them, including both onshore oil exploration and offshore oil exploration options.

Vennmas LLC Oil Exploration Partnerships

Whatever your goals are in the oil exploration space, Vennmas LLC can help. If you are interested in an effective and growing oil exploration opportunity, you should know that Vennmas LLC has a major effort in oil and gas exploration in Louisiana, Florida, all through the Rocky Mountain, Alabama and nearby oil and gas-rich areas in the Williston and Illinois basins. 

We are looking to expand our acreage and drilling opportunities, with plans to drill and complete 200,000 feet of total footage in 2022. We are also looking to buy currently producing wells. We are actively seeking investors who share our growing vision for oil development in Florida, Louisiana, Colorado and beyond, and we can offer a variety of plans to direct your investment, ranging from individual drilling options to full partnerships with major oil producers.

If you are already involved in oil exploration, we can provide oilfield exploration services and equipment to boost the effectiveness of your efforts. Vennmas LLC has all of the equipment and assistance you need for oilfield exploration — everything from drilling rigs to workover units to mud pumps and more. We can also offer you supervision, advice and the benefit of our expertise when it comes to oil field exploration.

Accredited Investor Oil Exploration Opportunities

If you see the benefits of oil exploration, all you really need is the right partner. We’re confident you will agree that partner is Vennmas LLC.

When you’re ready to take your oil exploration to the next level, please get in touch with us. We are more than happy to talk with you or your group about all the different ways in which you can invest in oil exploration. Complete our contact form or call our corporate office today at (+1) 469 444 9962 for more information.

At Vennmas LLC, we are always looking for accredited investors who share our confidence in the oil and gas industry. With our knowledgeable, aggressive and widespread approach to oil and natural gas production, we have options that appeal to a wide range of partners and investors.